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It’s become a bit of a comical cliché… opening up a wardrobe overflowing with clothes, and thinking – “I have nothing to wear.”

Whilst everyone can certainly relate to this and have a chuckle at the thought, allow me to be serious just for a moment…

Each morning we get up and get dressed. You could say it sets the tone for the day ahead. So when you’re frantically rummaging through your closet, but settling for the same benchmark outfit because you’re running out of time… do you think that has a positive impact on the rest of your day? Of course not!

Trust me on this: when you wake up in the morning, optimistically scan your wardrobe with a creative mindset, and put together an outfit that has you stepping out the door confident and stress-free… the positive impacts you’ll see throughout the remainder of your day will astonish you.

Now on to the fun stuff…

My tips on how to best utilize your wardrobe for positive, impactful presence.

Detox Your Wardrobe

I know it can be hard for some, but less is honestly more. Eliminate the clutter of distractions: clothes that don’t fit, colours you don’t like, items you haven’t worn for a year, etc. etc. These space-fillers only serve as diversions and add to the stress of finding that needle in the haystack, that is your wardrobe.

Most people are surprised by the small percentage of clothes they actually wear. Don’t be afraid to get rid of some!* A closet full of “working” items you actually wear, is a lot easier to navigate when getting dressed.

Even if you just tidy, rearrange, or put aside out-of-season items, you eliminate that stressful, chaotic time of trying to “find” an outfit and can actually start to open your wardrobe with excitement and confidence. I understand tackling your wardrobe may be a daunting task… which is why I offer wardrobe editing services to help my clients get the most out of their wardrobe.

*When I say, “get rid of” – of course, always try to donate or pass-on any clothes you no longer need. Never throw them in the bin!


  • Try wearing something you haven’t worn in ages, e.g. a pair of shoes. Wear them for a day; if you still don’t love them, or perhaps remember why you don’t like to wear them, it might be time to let them go!

  • Check out Caroline from’s experimental “capsule wardrobe” idea – inspiring people to make the most of a condensed wardrobe.

Mix and Match

Don’t be afraid to try new things! This doesn’t mean you have to keep up with the latest fashion trends, or buy something outrageous.

Use the current wardrobe items you have and try mixing and matching two things you’ve not combined before: those statement shoes can really add some flare to your more casual jeans… or throw your formal jacket over a tee… get creative! You’ll be surprised.

One somewhat challenging exercise on mixing and matching appropriately, is Natalie from’s7 x 7 Remix Challenge, where you wear just 7 items over 7 days, for a week of different outfits… have a go if you’re game!

Identify Your Personal Style

Identifying your personal style is a huge factor in making a positive impact with your wardrobe.

Remember: ‘Your Style’ has nothing to do with trends in fashion – although the majority of people find having the two on the same page, makes them feel more comfortable.

Your style is about identifying the types of clothes/colours and accessories that contribute to creating the most confident, comfortable and positive version of you. This will help you make an impactful presence with every outfit you step out in.

Too many people approach each morning’s dressing routine with a completely blank slate… “Mirror mirror on the wall – ‘who can I dress like today?’… YOU! Dress like yourself – a task that is made so much easier once you identify what it is, that sends the message you want to convey to others, whilst giving you the confidence to relay it. A wardrobe full of only those items is the key!

TIP: If you’re on social media, have a look over your most recent profile pictures. These are images selected by you, as the face of your personal brand and can often shed light on the things that make you feel most comfortable – whether that be a certain color that suits you, a certain style or a combination of both.

If you are having trouble putting your finger on what exactly is your unique brand, don’t worry – you’re certainly not alone. Over the past decade I have helped hundreds of men and women identify exactly that and I’d love to help you too.

Search for Inspiration

Not to be contradictory to what I’ve just said about ‘personal style’ – drawing inspiration is very different from trying to copy someone else’s, or abandoning your own style.

One of the reasons I love my work is – it’s a worldwide community. Sharing ideas and tips and drawing inspiration from others is all part of the fun. As you can see from my referencing in this article, I’m always reading about other people’s ideas, and taking inspiration from snippets I read from all around the world.

Whether you’re a Pinterest or Instagram user, or an old-school magazine reader, inspiration is all around us and I thoroughly recommend trying to catagorise your inspiration to get the most out of it. Many of my clients have folders in their homes, computers, phones or back-of-mind (if its not too full back there) for “Corporate Dress Ideas,” or “Suit and Tie Combinations.”

Even if you just come across someone on the train wearing two colours that work perfectly together, that you’d never thought about before… store that inspiration! It can make that daily routine of getting dressed in the morning a whole lot easier, and a more enjoyable, positive experience.

If you have any tips to add on how to utilize your wardrobe to create an impactful presence, please share in the comment section!

For any further information, questions, or enquiries about any of my services, don’t hesitate to contact me today!

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